Elza Khaindrava

Previous Academic Qualifications: TSU, Faculty of Humanities, MA in Caucasiology, 2009-2011 
PhD Program: History (Subfield: History of Georgia Focused on Source Studies and Historiography)

  • "Towards the History of Maghaladzes Feudal House"; collection of articles "Georgian Source-Studies", XVII-XVIII, Tbilisi: Universali, 2015/2016, pp.108-114.

Participation in Conferences
  • "The Epitaphs of the Amilakhvari Family House in Samtavisi (18th -19th c)", The 140th Anniversary of the Birth of of Ivane Javakhishvili, Student Scientific Conference, TSU, April 23, 2016. 
  • "Towards the History of Maghaladzes Feudal House", Inter-University Scientific Conference Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Dimitri Meghvinetukhutsesishvili, Gori State University, November 17, 2015.
  • "The Epigraphics of Kaspi Region (general overview)", Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Researches in Source Studies and Historiography" TSU, May 30-31, 2013.
გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-06-29 16:44:19