Natia Poniava

Previous Academic Qualifications: Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Humanities, MA in Caucasiology 2008-2010
PhD Program: Philology (Subfield: Caucasiology)

  • "Phonemic Structure of Abkhaz-Abaza Affixal Morphemes (I. Abkhaz morphemes)", Journal Caucasiologic Papers, VI, Tbilisi, TSU Press, 2014, pp. 280-320, (In the process of Publishing).
  • "On Religious Vocabulary in Megrelian Idioms", Collected Papers  Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics; XLII, Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press, 2014, pp. 241-249.
  • "Towards the Etymology of Abkhaz Word Apstazaara "Life", Collected Papers  Etymological Papers, X, Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press, 2013, pp. 43-48.
  • "Consonant Clusters of Abaza Verb Roots", Collected Papers  Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics, XLI, Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press, 2013, pp. 197-207. 
  • "Towards the Etymological Analysis of Some Kartvelian Toponyms", Collected Papers  Onomastic Collection, Akhaltsikhe: Akhaltsikhe University Press, 2013; pp. 203-208.
  • "Verb Stems with CVC Structure in the Abkhazian and Abaza Languages", Journal Annual Review of Studies in Humanities, III, Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press, 2012, pp. 146-167.
  • "Towards the Etymological Analysis of two Kartvelian Toponyms (Charnali and Kurzu)", Collected Papers  Etymological Papers, IX, Tbilisi, Tbilisi State University Press, 2011, pp. 55-59.
  • "Towards One of the Abkhazian loan in Megrelian", Collected Papers  Etimological Papers, VIII, Tbilisi, Dedaena, 2011, pp. 72-72.
  • "Towards the Etymology of Janjuxa (Sweets Made from Grapes and Nuts)", Collected Papers in Honor of Prof. Genadi Burchuladze, Gori: Saar, 2011; pp. 227-230.
  • "The Syntactical Agreement in the Abkhaz Language", Collected Papers  Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics, XXXVIII, Tbilisi: Meridiani, 2010, pp. 159-162.
  • "Easter Traditions in Samegrelo and in Abkhazia", Journal Religion, 1, Tbilisi: Ltd “Mtsvane Veli”, 2010, pp. 87-91.
  • "The Mountainous Regions of Georgia in Ana Kalandadze’s Poetry", Collected Papers -  Ana and University, Tbilisi: Universali, 2010, pp. 93-106. 
  • "One Day of Television", Collected Papers - Ra Ena Tsakhdes, Erits Daetses (When the Lang uage Fails the Nation Follows), Tbilisi: Universal, 2009; pp. 68-86. 

Participation in Conferences
  • "The Rules of the Vowel Connection and the Structure of Abkhaz-Abaza Root-Stems", IV International Symposium of Linguist-Caucasiologists Issues of Structure of Stem and Root in Ibero-Caucasian Languages, Tbilisi, November 5-7, 2015.  
  • "Towards the Vocabulary Related to Beliefs and Practices in Laz Idioms", XXXIV Dialectology Scientific Session of the Republic, Batumi, October 23-24, 2015.
  • "The Results of Expedition in Lazeti and in Samegrelo", (co-authors: E. Shengelia, K. Mitagvaria), 74th Scientific Session of  Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi, December 22-24, 2015.
  • "Towards the Phonemic Structure of Abkhaz Affixes", 4th International Scientific Conference Genetic and Areal Relationships and Typological Community, Mahachkala, June 19-20, 2014.
  • "Towards the Vocabulary Related to Beliefs and Practices in Tao and in Imerkhevian Phraseologic Units", 3rd International Scientific Conference Tao-Klarjeti, Batumi, October 17-21, 2014. 
  • "Towards the Concept of Idiom in Georgian Scientific Literature", Arnold Chikobava Studies, XXV, Tbilisi, April 14-17, 2014. 
  • "Nina || Nena (Language, Tongue) Lexeme in Megrelian-Laz Idioms", 34th Dialectology Scientific Session of the Republic, Mestia, October 3-4, 2014.  
  • "Towards the Etymology of Abkhaz Word Apstazaara "Life", 72nd Scientific Session of  Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi, December 24-26, 2013.
  • "Towards the Etymologic Analysis of Some Kartvelian Toponyms", Scientific Conference in Onomastics, Akhaltsikhe, June 21-22, 2013.
  • "On Religious Vocabulary in Megrelian Idioms", 33rd Dialectology Scientific Session of the Republic, Gori, November 1, 2013.
  • "Consonant Clusters of Abaza Verb roots", Arnold Chikobava Studies, XXIV, Tbilisi,  April 23-26, 2013.
  • "Towards the One Common Lexeme in Kartvelian and Abkhaz-Abaza Languages", International Scientific Conference Caucasian Languages: Genetic and Areal Relationships and Typological community, Makhachkala,  June 17-18, 2012.
  • "The Lexeme topachi in Tao Speech (ethnolinguistic analysis)", 2nd International Scientific Conference Tao-Klarjeti, Batumi,  September 5-8, 2012. 
  • "Towards the Phonemic Structure of CVC Type Verb Roots of Abaza", Arnold Chikobava Studies, XXIII, Tbilisi,  April 24-27, 2012.
  • "From the Toponymy of Ajara Vilages Populated by Abkhazians", XXXII Republic Dialectology Scientific Session, Kutaisi,  November 16-17, 2012.
  • "Phonemes Distribution of CV and CVCV Structures in Abaza Verb Roots", 71st Scientific Session of Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, 25-27 December, 2012.
  • "Towards the Phonemic Structure of the Verb Roots of CVCV and CVCVC Types of the Abkhazian Language", 3rd International Symposium of Linguist-Caucasiologists In honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Ketevan Lomtatidze, Tbilisi,  October 27-29, 2011.
  • "The Phraseologic Units and Idioms Connected with the Heart in Megrelian-Laz”, XXXI Republic Dialectology Scientific Session, Telavi, November 11-12, 2011. 
  • "Towards the Etymology of Janjukha (Sweets Made from Grapes and Nuts)", Scientific Conference In Honour of Prof. Genadi Burchuladze, Gori, December 22, 2011.
  • "The Consonant Clusters of One syllable Abkhaz Verb Roots", Arnold Chikobava Studies, XXII, Tbilisi, May 7-8, 2011.
  • "The Habits of Funeral In Megrelia, Abkhazia and Circassia", Republic Conference of Students and Young Scientists In Honour of the 135th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Ivane Javakhishvili, Tbilisi, May 5, 2011.
  • "On Christian Vocabulary in Laz", Scientific Student Conference in Honor of the 1000th Anniversary of the Renewal of Svetitskhoveli, Tbilisi, February 19, 2011.
  • "Kartvelian Verb Loans in the Abkhaz Language", International Scientific Conference Tbeloba, Skhalta,  November 10, 2010.
  • "The Forms of Blessing in the Speech of "Chveneburi"(Georgians Inhabited in Turkey)", International Scientific Conference Didacharoba, Skhalta,  May 5, 2010.
  • "Phonetic Adaptation of Turkish Vocabulary in Bzhyp Dialect of Abkhaz Language", International Scientific Conference The Actual Problems of General and Caucasian Linguistics, Makhachkala,  May 13-15, 2010.
  • "Towards the CVC Structural Type of Verb Roots in Abkhaz Language", 69th Scientific Session of Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi, December 20-23, 2010.
  • "From the Toponym of Village Choga of Chkhorotsku District", 30th Dialectology Scientific Session of the Republic, Batumi,  November 19-20, 2010.
  • "Abkhazian and Georgian Relationships According to Megrelian Proverbs and Georgian of the Chveneburi (Georgians Inhabited in Turkey)", 2nd Student Conference of the Republic For Relationships and Settlements of Conflicts, Tbilisi, June 15, 2010.
  • "Towards the Two Common Kartvelian Roots", Arnold Chikobavas Studies, XXI, Tbilisi,  April 13-16, 2010.
  • "The Mountainous Regions of Georgia in Ana Kalandadze’s Poetry", Scientific Student Conference Ana and University, Tbilisi,  March 10, 2010.
  • "The Saint Bishop Alexander Okropiridzes Theses about Functional problems of the Abkhazian Language" (co-author A. Bakanidze), International Scientific Conference: Tbeloba, Skhalta,  November 10, 2009.
  • "One Day of Television", Student Conference  Ra Ena Tsakhdes, Erits Daetses ( When the Language Fails the Nation Follows ), Tbilisi, April 14 , 2009.

გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-06-16 11:08:48