Registry office is the administrative unit, which certifies university documents and stores university records.  

The main activities of the chancellery are organizing general activities, drawing up methodological and normative documents, supervision, coordination, monitoring.

The main goals of the Chancellery are:
•    to establish the requirements for official university documents;
•    to develop policies that support the university’s mission statement;
•    to ensure that university regulations  are observed, and that documents are in compliance with state standards  of national legislation;
•    to develop strategies for implementing university goals, to ensure that the strategies and procedures comply with existing state standards and other national legislative requirements, and to prepare documents which direct the implementation of these strategies;
•    to reduce and streamline  document flow;
•    to establish consistency of administrative forms and procedures throughout the university and to make relevant recommendations to improve interdepartmental communications;
•    to establish and keep up to date general system for categorizing, retrieving and sharing interdepartmental  documents using information technologies;
•    to develop and carry out training programs for administrative staff, university staff and materials resources personnel;  
•    to manage archives of previous administrations and keep a record of current administrative documents; to ensure documents are sent  to the archives in a timely fashion, to record documents in a centralized database, and to develop an efficient system of categorizing and retrieving documents.