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Occupation Day Events at TSU

The event commemorating the Occupation Day was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on February 25. The books from the collection of Kita Abashidze, a Georgian literary critic, publicist and public figure, were exhibited at the Maro Makashvili Hall of the University Library.

The exhibition was held in commemoration of Georgian junkers, who died in the struggle against the Red Army on February 25, 1921.

“February 25 is a historical day for our university and for Georgia. This is the day, when Georgians, including many university students and professors died for Georgia’s independence. As far as Kita Abashidze’s exhibition is concerned, it is very important, because the history of our library started just with the books donated by Kita Abashidze to our university. He donated his library to our university. The books exhibited today represent only a small part, but the visitors will see that it is an important acquisition for the university. These books were unique not only in Georgia of that period, but they are still unique and are kept only at our university,” TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said.

“Kita Abashidze’s role in the university history is especially important. According to his will, his book collection should have been donated to the university. Just according to Kita Abashidze’s will, the university library was actually opened in 1917 with this collection. Kita Abashidze’s family and his descendants are completely linked with the struggle for Georgia’s freedom and with this exhibition we actually paid a tribute to his family, university students and all those citizens of Georgia, who struggled for the freedom of our country,” Head of the TSU Library, Zurab Gaiparashvili said.

Ivane Javakhishvili’s descendant, Tarkhuj Javakhishvili handed over a photo taken in 1925 to the TSU Library. The photo, which depicts the members of the university scientific council, is extremely interesting as it contains the signatures of the members of the scientific council, who were famous scientists.   
The guests of the event paid a tribute to the victims of the struggle for Georgia’s independence and laid wreaths at the memorial erected in the university courtyard. They also viewed a part of Kita Abashidze’s book collection and familiarized themselves with his publicistic letters from various newspapers and magazines.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, descendents of Kita Abashidze, Ivane Javakhishvili and killed junkers, as well as TSU professors and students attended the event.    


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