
Final Event of TSU School of Entrepreneurship Project

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a ceremony of awarding the winners of the Estonian-Georgian project TSU School of Entrepreneurship on June 9. Special jury revealed three winning teams of the competition aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills in students.

Out of 12 teams, six participated in the final. In April they underwent a week internship in various Estonian companies and deepened their theoretical knowledge in business development through sharing Estonian experience. 

By decision of the jury, the first place was awarded to C-Group, the second place – to MyCake and the third place – to Part-time.ge. The winning teams received monetary awards. C-Group also won the Audience Favorite award.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava and Estonian Ambassador to Georgia Priit Turk attended the event.

“TSU School of Entrepreneurship is a very successful project of Estonian origin. Young people involved in the project had an opportunity to develop various business ideas and create their own projects. This initiative enables students to evaluate themselves, to use the knowledge acquired at the university in practice and believe in their own capabilities,” TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said.

Head of the TSU Foreign Relations Department, Tea Gergedava said: “TSU School of Entrepreneurship is a project, which is being implemented through the cooperation between the Tbilisi State University and the Estonian Foreign Ministry. The project is fully financed by the Estonian side and it aims at developing entrepreneurial skills in TSU students.”

The TSU School of Entrepreneurship project is being implemented at TSU since December 2013 in cooperation with the Estonian company BDA Consulting.


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