
Certificates Presented to Participants of Anti-Drug Campaign ‘No to Synthetic Drugs’

On October 9 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a presentation of a video clip prepared in frames of an anti-drug campaign “No to Synthetic Drugs – Let’s Change Attitude Together”, as well as a ceremony of presenting certificates.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Head of the Interior Ministry’s Public Relations Department, Nino Giorgobiani, Head of the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mariam Gersamia, academic staff and students attended the event. 

In frames of an educational course “Broadcast Media Television 1”, students took part in the Interior Ministry’s anti-drug campaign and shot a social video clip. Along with video clip presentation, a photo exhibition depicting students’ participation in the anti-drug campaign was also held.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava awarded certificates and books to the students involved in the anti-drug campaign. “Anti-drug campaign has a huge importance in modern world, because drug users should realize well what problems they may face. The Interior Ministry’s initiative is welcomed and the participation of our students, their victory is very important for us. I think that this is a correct decision, because youth problems should, first and foremost, be realized and seen by young people,” Vladimer Papava said.

Head of the Interior Ministry’s Public Relations Department, Nino Giorgobiani said that students, as well as schoolchildren and journalists were actively involved in the anti-drug campaign. “We held information meetings throughout Georgia. We spoke about harmful effects of synthetic drugs. And this yielded a tangible result –synthetic drug use has been reduced by 90% and I am extremely glad that several months later we again gathered at the event dedicated to the campaign “No to Synthetic Drugs,” Nino Giorgobiani said.

“There are some issues on which students and especially media representatives should have their own positions. One of such issues is the attitude towards drugs. 24 students participated in our video clip. Finally we received a media product, which was awarded by the Interior Ministry with a diploma and TSU Rector Papava presented certificates to the group of students that is a great honor for us,” Tamar Belkania, head of “Broadcast Media Television 1”, said.    


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