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Minister of Education and Science Meets Representatives of Student Self-Governance

Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Aleksandre Jejelava met with the representatives of Student Self-Governance on June 14 to discuss recent developments at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU).

Minister Jejelava noted that it was decided after the meeting with a small group of students from Student Self-Governance a couple of days of ago to hold a larger meeting later. He also said that in this situation, it is essential to reach an agreement and find a solution. “My opinion was again confirmed that it is in the interests of every student to have better university and move self-governance to the next level. However, the sides have different visions. We discussed just these differences, including Article 45 of the Law of Georgia on Higher Education. In the following days it will be my homework to try and agree on positions with the representatives of self-governance from other universities.”

Bakhva Kvirikashvili, acting president of TSU Student Self-Governance, said after the meeting that the Minister met not only a small group of students from TSU Self-Governance, but all its members and received information from them. Kvirikashvili also said that “the Minister is ready to solve the problems through negotiations. We will offer him our solutions. In this situation, it is especially important not to encourage injustice on the part of the society. “ 


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