
TSU Leads in State Grant Competition on Collaborative Research Projects with Participation of Compatriots Residing Abroad

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) maintains leading positions in the state grant competition announced by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation in 2018 on collaborative research projects with the participation of compatriots residing abroad. TSU is participating in six out of nine winning projects (67% of winning projects) – in four of them as a leading organization and in two – as a co-participant.

The winning projects were selected from 29 applications and evaluated by international experts. Target audience of the competition: successful Georgian scientists working at higher educational and research-focused institutions and independent centers abroad, as well as higher educational and research-focused institutions of Georgia. The call aims at strengthening ties between Georgian scientists and successful compatriots working in the research universities and centers abroad
In addition, the call aims at supporting exchange of knowledge and experience, promoting development of scientific research at local research institutions in compliance with international standards, promoting cooperation between the local scientists and Georgian compatriots working abroad and their return to Georgia by funding innovative research projects.  The call enables Georgian scientists to be familiar with new information and modern technologies. The call also aims at developing scientific potential of young researchers and their integration into international scientific community.

The project duration is 24 or 36 months. Requested grant funding for 24-month projects in natural and agrarian sciences, engineering and technology, medicine and health sciences, as well as Georgian studies should not exceed GEL 160 000; for 36-month projects – GEL 240 000. The funding is similar for the projects in social sciences and humanities and Georgian studies: for 24-month projects – GEL 120 000 and for 36-month projects – GEL 180 000.

The grantee is responsible to publish at least one scientific article on the basis of the research materials of the funded project in international peer-reviewed journals that are indexed in Scimago Journal Ranking, Scopus, Web of Science, ERIH plus as well as in the international peer-reviewed journals published with the financial support of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia: a) Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, and b) Annals of Agrarian Science.
In case of publishing a monograph reflecting the results of project implementation, it should be approved by the leading organization’s sectoral editorial/publishing/scientific/academic council or a respective institution.


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