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Akaki Shanidze – 130

On May 17, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted an evening dedicated to the 130th birth anniversary of Georgian linguist and philologist, Academician Akaki Shanidze. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, representatives of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, National Center of Manuscripts, TSU Institute of the Georgian Language, members of Akaki Shanidze’s family, TSU professors and students attended the event.

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze noted that a series of events were held at the university to mark Akaki Shanidze’s 130th anniversary. “Akaki Shanidze was one of the founders of the Tbilisi State University; he was one of the first professors; he defended the first doctoral dissertation at TSU. For years he led a lot of directions. There are a lot of topics studied by him during his scientific activities. There are few people, who create directions in science and Akaki Shanidze is one of them,” Rector Sharvashidze said.

The evening started with presentation of the publication about Akaki Shanidze’s activities prepared by the editorial board of newspaper Tbilisis Universiteti. Nino Kakulia is the editor of the publication and Avtandil Arabuli is its reviewer-editor.

The presentation was followed by screening of a film “Akaki Shanidze.” The film was prepared within the project “They Created the University” (artistic director Merab Kokochashvili). “The work over this project was extremely difficult because there are a lot of materials about Akaki Shanidze and we thought a lot about which particular direction to choose. Eventually, after we collected materials, Akaki Shanidze himself told us what kind of film we should have made,” film director Irakli Solomonashvili said.


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