
TSU Rector’s Statement

The June 13 tragedy has struck entire Georgia. The country has suffered huge moral and material damage. This trouble has united the entire country. The solidarity shown by our citizens over the past few days fills us with hope, a hope that with such civil position we will be able to overcome any difficulties.

The following employees of the Security Service of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – Lasha Iobashvili, Ivane Meurmishvili and Ucha Razmadze, as well as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, Levan Javashia, who saved a lot of people, have made a huge contribution to our country. Special thanks go to our students, volunteers, who demonstrated their civil position and actively participated in clearing up flood-hit areas from debris and mud. Thank you! The State is standing on the shoulders of such people!

Vladimer Papava
TSU Rector, Academician

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