
Summer School “Regional Security and Conflict Resolution”

A summer school “Regional Security and Conflict Resolution” was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on June 18.

Under the Memorandum signed between the TSU Institute for Conflict Analysis and Management and San Diego State University, students of San Diego State University, studying international security and undergoing the five-credit summer school program at TSU, will be participating in the program. Georgian specialists, professors and experts are also participating. The summer school on regional security and conflict resolution issues is being held at TSU for the third time.

TSU Professor Guguli Magradze, an organizer of the summer school, said that the summer school program enjoys international recognition. “Lectures are delivered in English. 36 students have arrived this year. It should be noted that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow these students will find jobs in the United States, where they may be directly involved in regional security issues.”   

Students of San Diego State University hailed their experience gained in Georgia as very important. “This country has a great culture and the education acquired here is very important for our future,” they said.

A wide range of issues will be discussed in frames of the summer school, among them Georgia and NATO; Georgia and the European Union; energy security in the region; Georgia’s approach towards conflict resolution; Russia and regional security issues; human rights in the region; environmental problems in the South Caucasus; challenges of regional, economic development; the role of religion in regional security issues, etc.

Lectures and workshops will last for three weeks. In frames of a cultural-educational program specifically prepared for students, they will tour various parts of Georgia and familiarize themselves with the country’s historical and cultural heritage, as well as its modern life.


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