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“Father” - Book Presentation

Children’s memories about their father, a song dedicated by Zakaria Paliashvili to the founder of the University, photos from Ivane Javakhishvili’s family album and private letters were included in the book, which was presented at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on June 26.

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, Metropolitan Shio Mujiri of the Eparchy of Senaki and Chkhorotsku and the Georgian Patriarch’s locum tenens, TSU professors, students and invited guests attended the presentation of the book “Father.”

“We had an unique opportunity to get acquainted with Ivane Javakhishvili’s descendants, who supported him in the idea of founding the University. This book is one of the interesting and distinguished publications dedicated to the 100th anniversary of TSU,” Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze said.

“Ivane Javakhishvili was not the father of only his own children; he made a huge paternal contribution to the development of our nation. My grandfather – Gigo and his brother – Solomon Kurdiani were the first generation professors. A lot of scientists and representatives of the nobility were against the foundation of the University. My grandfather supported the idea of the University. The University saved our spiritual values during the Soviet period. Such publications are extremely important for the nation,” Metropolitan Shio Mujiri said and presented to TSU his grandfather’s, Grigol Kurdiani’s letter to Niko Ketskhoveli in support of the University, as well as a letter of appreciation sent by Ivane Javakhishvili to Grigol Kurdiani.  

Zurab Gaiparashvili, co-author of the book, said that “the work over the book started decades ago, when Ivane Javakhishvili’s granddaughter, Dali Gersamia worked at the TSU Museum. She brought the memories of her mother, Natela Javakhishvili about her father and since then we started thinking about the book publication. We also added the memories of Alexander Javakhishvili, Ivane Javakhishvili’s son. The book proved very interesting.”   

The book authored by Zurab Gaiparashvili and Meko Gochiashvili is bilingual (Georgian and English) and its publication is dedicated to the centenary anniversary of the Tbilisi State University.


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