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Jemal Khubua – 80

On June 20, the TSU Museum hosted a science seminar “Physics in the Era of Large Hadron Collider” dedicated to the 80th birth anniversary of Professor Jemal Khubua. The Ivane Javakhishvili Medal was awarded to Jemal Khubua, a leading researcher at the High Energy Physics Institute at Tbilisi State University, for his fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities and his important contribution to the University’s internationalization.

Jemal Khubua has been working at TSU since 1962. For many years he had worked at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. In 1994-2017 he served as the leader of a joint team named Tbilisi at European Organization for Nuclear Research known as CERN. He has co-authored “Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC” published in Phys.Lett. B716 (2012) 1-29. He is the author of the most cited works (over 100 000). In 2004, Jemal Khubua was awarded a title of an honorary employee of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and in 2006 he was awarded an honorary diploma of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

In May 2007, Khubua was awarded the Order of Honor of the Government of Georgia for his special contribution to the development of physics in Georgia, strengthening international scientific collaboration and educating young physicists.

In 2010, Jemal Khubua and his colleagues were awarded the National Prize of Georgia in Science for the work: “Creation of central parts and controlling system of hadron calorimeter and muonic system for ATLAS experiment planned at the Large Hadron Collider.”

In November 2012, the book (two volumes) JINR Contribution to the Design and Construction of the ATLAS Hadron Tile Calorimeter co-authored by Jemal Khubua was awarded the Medal of the Georgian Society of Science History as the best book in physics with the participation of the Georgian author. On September 25, 2015, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna awarded Jemal Khubua with an Honorary Doctorate of the same international institution.

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